java tutorials and useful tips for developer.

Monday 3 February 2020

Notifications Migration for LUMEN

Create a migration file with this command: php artisan make:migration app-notifications

Next open that file in any editor and paste this code:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class CreateNotificationsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('notifications', function (Blueprint $table) {
     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Now run php artisan migrate and you are good to save notifications in DB.

Sunday 11 September 2016

How to Reconstruct Human Face 3D Model from single 2D image.

Hello guyz Today I will tell you how you can reconstruct human face 3D model from just single 2D image,I will tell you about the technologies and softwares that are available for 3D reconstruction and also tell you about web api that are available for integrating in your web applications.

Here is some websites that build their technologies for 3D reconstruction form 2D image and also provides web api for integrating their technology into other web applications like E commerce store for virtual Try Room and for makeup website.

So the first one is Its a has very complex pipeline for reconstructing the 3D model that is more realistic included face expression,rigging and lip sync as well.You can by their web api for integrating its services into your applications.

Second one is Its also an very comprehensive and realistic technology for 3D reconstruction you can buy their web api for Integration.

No here is a software that provides the 3d reconstruction Its very good and creates 3D model in few minutes by just providing a single 2D image.You can download the demo version for facegen and try to create you 3D model.Its totally based on C++ and OpenGl library It does not provides web api but It provides SDK for integrating it to your C++ applications.

Here is the ScreenShot for FaceGen

Currently I am making my own technology for 3D face reconstruction as my Final Year project,If anybody interested in my technology just leave the comment I will share my current build with you happily.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to read csv file in java simple code.

Here is the simple code example just copy it and extract your csv file enjoy.

import com.opencsv.CSVReader;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

public class ParseCSVFileReadLineByLine
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        String filename = "records.csv";
        ParseCSVFileReadLineByLine parseCSVFile = new ParseCSVFileReadLineByLine();
        System.out.println("Starting to parse CSV file using opencsv");

private void parseUsingOpenCSV(String filename) throws IOException
        CSVReader reader;
        Connection conn=null;
        reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filename));
        String[] row;
        row= reader.readNext();
        while ((row = reader.readNext()) != null)
             String[] authaff=row[14].split(";");
             for(int j=0;j<authaff.length; j++){
                  String[] authaff2=authaff[j].split("\\.,");
                //  for(int k=0; k<authaff2.length; k++){
                       System.out.println("Author: "+ authaff2[0] + "affiliateion" + authaff2[1]);
            String sql="insert into authors (`aname`,`affiliation`) values ('"+authaff2[0]+"','"+authaff2[1]+"')";

              /*  for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
                        // display CSV values
                        System.out.println("Cell column index: " + i);
                        System.out.println("Cell Value: " + row[i]);
        catch(Exception e){
        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
        catch (IOException e)

Difference between process warehouse and data warehouse.

                         Its stores the data about subject i-e customer,product etc,its stores historical data that is used to analyse the business progress and how we can make our business better in future in terms of profit.

Process Warehouse :
                                 Its stores the process traces i-e events logs that is used to anaylse the process performance whether the met with organization standards or it completed on planned time we improve the business process performance by analyzing the process traces.

Saturday 5 September 2015

How to earn 1000$ from just 2000 visits guaranteed.

Today i am gonna tell you a secret that you never know before and you really like it after read this secret,I bet you will earn 1000$+ if you apply the tricks that i give you in this tutorial.

So now i am gonna uncover this money making secret that's called  "Domain Parking".

Domain Parking is very good side business that give u reasonable money with  no hardworking,I am also do this business from past 2 years,I will give u workable some specific tricks that will help you to run domain parking business successful.

So here are some steps you need to follow:

1: Buy a good domain 

 First you have to buy a good domain name now open your web browser and do some research on worth full domain that has some type-in traffic (Type-in traffic means people write website address on address bar instead of search on google ) for example its very expensive domain because it has 1000 visits daily by type-in traffic.
find this type of domain and buy from Godaddy is very popular website for domain registration.Now here i give u a trick for buying domain in just 0.99$.

Search n google godayy 0.99$ coupan and you will find coupun code copy it and apply this code into your billing and buy your domain in just 0.99$.

2: Park your Domain is very popular domain parking website you just have to create account and park your domain it has very easy steps you easily create your account.

Here is the Screenshot you will see when you succesfully added your domain 

Now when you type your domain and hit you will see this page which has ads,when people clicks on this ads you will earn money in dollars against every single click.

Your main task is to increase traffic on your parked domain page so more people clicks on your ads I will give you some tricks how to increase traffic on your parked domain.

Increase Traffic:

download some videos related to your domain name for example from above example he downloaded some free clips you have to download videos related to your domain.
Now next step is to use some video editing software i recommend you to use wondershare it is very easy video editing software,Your task is to just add your domain cover at the start and end of the your video in that cover write some catchy statements e-g  for mre videos pictures visit this website whatever you want but it should be very catchy so people visit you parked domain page.

This is an example cover page make your page according to your domain name and add it into you video at start and end.

Now Upload this video on dailymotion and promote this video on your social networks e-g facebook,twitter,google and enjoy your dollars generated with your domain.

If you have some difficulties all over the process feel free to ask me.

Sunday 12 April 2015

How to edit images with photoshop features online.

In this tutorial i will give you a secret that you must know if you a web developer or designer to save your time.It is a great tool for people who do not have photoshop on their systems and they want to edit their pictures using photoshop,So I am going to tell you a very useful site for editing images like croping or resizing images etc.

The site is  here is the screen shot fr this websites.

open the image and click on the Launch app showing in the pixlr express tab and start editing pictures enjoy.

Best websites for download full free movies.

In this tutorial i will give you some very useful websites links that are very unique and best for downloading latest bollywood and hollywood movies.

From these sites you can download movies in resumable links and in very small size i-e 300mb or 500mb,So here are the links

1) useful site for latest bollywood movies and hollywood movies)

2) (very useful site for latest bollywood and hollywood movies)

3) (Specially for hollywood movies but also have bollywood movies)

4) (Specially for latest bollywood movies )


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